How to Add a Budget

  1. Select the menu named 'Budgets' then select the menu named 'Yearly Budgets' (refer to the image below).

  2. Select the menu named 'New Yearly Budgets' (refer to the image below).

  3. This will open the 'New Budget School Year' form (refer to the image below).

Note: school name will be automatically pre-populated with the name of your school.

  1. Complete the below fields of information:
    1. School Year (required): this is the year for this budget e.g. 2020
    2. Budget Start (required): this is the date that your financial year commences e.g. 01/01/2020
    3. Budget Finish (required): this is the date that your financial year finishes e.g. 31/12/2020
    4. Budget (required): this is the amount allocated to that years budget e.g. $5,500.00
    5. Once you have completed all of the required fields select the 'Save' button.

    6. Once saved the budget will appear on the main screen for your yearly budgets (refer to the image below).