Overview: Users and Roles


Warning: the teachers at your school that you wish to use My Recipe Manager must be set up with their own user account. Creating one user account commonly know as a 'generic' account for all of your teachers to use or to share a login with other teachers is not permitted and something we don't support. From a security perspective it is fraught with danger and will cause you issues that cannot be reversed. It is the same security concept as signing into your school computers/network each day - each teacher has their own credentials and their own email address i.e. there is not one generic login that the school issues to teachers to access the schools network. User accounts in My Recipe Manager must have the persons first and last names recorded against their user accounts. You cannot use things like First Name = School and Last Name = Teacher.

Note: if you were the teacher/person that submitted the My Recipe Manager Registration form for your school then your details in that registration form were used by us to create your user account in My Recipe Manager therefore you do not have to create another user account for yourself. You only need to create users accounts for those teachers that you want to use My Recipe Manager.

Users are the staff at your school that you give access to so they can sign in and use My Recipe Manager. This will most likely be:

  • A teacher who will act as the applications school administrator i.e. be able to perform all of the roles within My Recipe Manager e.g. add new users, disable user access etc.
  • Teachers who need to maintain lists of recipes for their practical lessons as well as place food orders so that ingredients can be purchased.
  • Food Technicians or their equivalent who are responsible for:
    • creating a shopping list.
    • purchasing ingredients.
    • distributing those ingredients back to the classes who ordered them.
    • managing budgets (should your school decide to use this optional functionality).
    • maintaining stocktake (should your school decide to use this optional functionality).

Note: when your school account is first set up in My Recipe Manager, we create a user account for the person recorded in your registration form. This user is set up as an administrator and can perform all functions within My Recipe Manager including the ability to add additional users as well as disable users. This user can continue to be a school administrator or the school administrator role can be removed from that user and assigned to another user, something which you can decide on and control through the user accounts.

Tip: where feasible we suggest that at least two users are assigned the 'School Administrator' role. If one administrator is away or is unable to be contacted it makes it difficult to add new users or disable existing users.


Roles are what governs (controls) what a user can and can't do within My Recipe Manager. You assign the appropriate roles to your users when you create their accounts subject to what you expect that user to be able to do in My Recipe Manager.

The available roles and what they allow the user to do are listed below:

  • School Administrator
    • Membership: users with the school administrator role can create, update, view and inactivate users.
  • School Subscription Details
    • users assigned with the school subscription details role can view their schools subscription information including their subscription period, invoice details and subscription expiry date. Links are also provided to renew the schools subscription.
  • Teacher
    • Recipes: users assigned with the teacher role can create, update, view, delete and share recipes.
    • Recipe Ingredients: users assigned with the teacher role can add ingredients to a recipe, remove ingredients from a recipe and update ingredients that are related to a recipe.
    • Food Orders: users assigned with the teacher role can create, update, view and delete food orders.
    • Shopping List: users assigned with the teacher role can mark a food order to be placed on the food technicians shopping list and can mark a food order to be removed from the food technicians shopping list.
    • Recipe Costing Reports: users assigned with the teacher role have access to view and run the costed recipe reports. To read more about recipe costing reports click here.
    • Ingredient Search: users assigned with the teacher role have access to view and search ingredients.
  • Recipes (Read and Print Only)
    • users assigned with the recipes (read and print only) role can only view and print recipes.
  • Class Names
    • Class Names: users assigned with the class names role can create, update, view and delete class names.
    • Class Information: users assigned with the class names role can create, update, view and delete class information pertaining to a class name e.g. dietary requirements, anaphylaxis and/or allergies.
  • Recipe Costing
    • users assigned with the recipe costing role can cost a recipe's ingredients and add those recipes to your master list of costed recipes. To read more about recipe costing click here. This role also has access to view and run the costed recipe reports.
  • Food Technician
    • Food Order Reports
      • Shopping List: users assigned with the food technician role can run and produce a shopping list for the food orders that teachers have marked for inclusion in the shopping list.
      • Shopping List (Stocktake): users assigned with the food technician role can run and produce a shopping list for the food orders that teachers have marked for inclusion in the shopping list which also takes into account ingredients that you are managing under 'stock control'. This is an optional feature. To read more about this click here.
      • Class Allocation Report: users assigned with the food technician role can run and produce a report that details who should receive the ingredients that were purchased from the shopping list.
      • Yearly Budgets: users assigned with the food technician role can create, update, view and delete yearly budgets.
      • Expenditure: users assigned with the food technician role can create, update, view and delete expense transactions.
      • Budget Report: users assigned with the food technician role can select and view the budget report.
      • Recipe Costing Reports: users assigned with the food technician role have access to view and run the costed recipe reports. To read more about recipe costing reports click here.
    • Budgets
      • Expenditure: users assigned with the food technician role can create, update, view and delete expense transactions.

      • Budget Report: users assigned with the food technician role can select and view the budget report.
      • Yearly Budgets: users assigned with the food technician role can create, update, view and delete yearly budgets.
    • Stocktake: users assigned with the food technician role can manage stock control of ingredients that are stored on premises. To read more about this click here.
  • Custom Reports
    • users assigned with the custom reports role have access to run, display, download and print any of the available custom reports. To read more about custom reports click here.

Note: users can have more than one role assigned against to them. School administrators generally have all seven roles assigned to them so they can access any area within My Recipe Manager.

Warning: My Recipe Manager is designed to be used by teachers not students. Students are not to be given access to My Recipe Manager as this breaches our terms and conditions.