How to View your Costed Recipes or/and Ingredients

Note: the viewing of costed recipe reports within My Recipe Manager requires at least one of the following roles to be assigned to the users account by a school administrator: Recipe Costing, Teacher or Food Technician. To view the list of available roles and what they allow a user to do click here.

Hint: if the reports don't display any recipes then there are no recipes that have been costed.

Your schools costed recipes can be viewed by following the below instructions.

  1. Select the menu titled "Recipe Costing" (refer below image).
  2. Select the menu for the report that you wish to view i.e. 'Report: Costed Recipes Budget)' or 'Report: Costed Recipes & Ingredients'. A description of both reports and what each of them displays is detailed below.

Report: Costed Recipes

This menu opens a report which displays the below information for each of the costed recipes (refer below image).

This report displays the below information:

  • Recipe Name
  • Recipe Per
  • School (Budget) Year
  • School (Budget) Term (optional)
  • Recipe Cost (ea)
  • Quantity
  • Total Recipe Cost
  • Grand Total for Quantity (Total Number of Recipes)
  • Grand Total for Recipe Cost

Report: Costed Recipes & Ingredients

This menu opens a report which displays more detailed information for each of the costed recipes (refer below image).

This report displays the below information:

  • Recipe Name
  • Recipe Per
  • Recipe Cost
  • Grand Total for Recipe Cost
  • Ingredient Name
  • Shop Category
  • Quantity
  • Measure
  • Cost/Kilo
  • Cost/Litre
  • Cost/Each
  • Ingredient Cost (rounded to 4 decimal places)
  • Grand Total for Ingredient Cost