How Do I Recover My Password?

For security reasons My Recipe Manager doesn't allow for the recovery of a password, instead it will reset your password and send the new one to you. To reset your password follow the below instructions:

  1. From the login screen select the link titled 'Forgot Password' (refer to the image below).

  2. Enter your user name and select the 'Next' button at the bottom of the form (refer to the image below).

  3. Enter the answer to your password question in the 'Password Answer' field then select the 'Finish' button at the bottom of the form (refer to the image below).

  4. If you entered the correct answer to your password question you will see a confirmation message to the effect that your new password has been sent to the email address associated to your account (refer to the image below).

  5. Click the 'OK' button and you will be returned to the login screen (refer to the image below).

  6. Within a few minutes you should receive an email with your new password in it (refer to the image below).

  7. Select the 'Login' button (refer to the image above) and use the new password to sign into My Recipe Manager.
  8. Once signed in, change your password to something you will remember by referring to the topic 'How to Change a Users Password'.