Custom Report: Index

To learn more about a specific custom report, how it works and to view example screen shots please select it from the below list.

Note: the reports labelled 'Term Week' and 'Week Starting' are targeted to those schools that record a 'Term Week' or a 'Week Starting' when creating their food orders.

  1. Food Orders: Expired (Term Week)

  2. Food Orders: Expired (Week Starting)

  3. Food Orders: (Term Week)

  4. Food Orders: (Week Starting)

  5. Food Orders: Grouped by Practical Date

  6. Food Orders: Recipe Cooking Date (Week Starting)

  7. Food Orders: Recipe Cooking Date (Term Week)

  8. Food Orders: Recipe Practical Date by Classroom (Week Starting)

  9. Food Orders: Recipe Practical Date by Classroom (Term Week)

  10. Food Technician: Ingredient Distribution List (Practical Date and/or Shop Category)

  11. Food Technician: Ingredient Distribution List (Quantity Per Bench)

  12. Food Technician: Ingredient Shopping List (Practical Date and/or Shop Category)

  13. Practical Calendar (Week at a Time)

  14. Shopping List: Additional Recipe Instructions